Innovus Opens New Office in Torquay to Accommodate Rapid Growth

12 April 2024 | Written by Jo Soler

Innovus News

On Thursday 12 April 2024, Innovus, a leading property services provider within the Emeria UK Group, celebrated the official opening of its brand-new office in Torquay. The move signifies Innovus’ commitment to growth and solidifying its brand identity within the group.

The opening was attended by Innovus’ Managing Director Steve Perrett, Director of Business Services Fran Giles, and Head of Real Estate Finance Micaela Hodder, alongside the Torquay team led by Liam Metcalfe.

We are delighted to officially open our new Torquay office,” said Steve Perrett. “This expansion allows us to accommodate the significant growth of our team in Devon. Thanks to the hard work of many, we now have a fit-for-purpose space to support our continued success.

Since October 2023, the Property Transfer teams in Devon have grown from five staff members to a team of 24. This includes both the Estates Property Transfer team and the Customer Support phone team.”

Liam Metcalfe, who heads up the Torquay team, commented, “The atmosphere in the Torquay team is fantastic, and they are a real credit to Innovus. I’m delighted that we have such a fantastic office space to help the team grow and build on their success.

Lucy Kies, a member of the Estates Property Transfer team, echoed the sentiment, stating, “Myself and the Estates Property Transfer team are super excited to be working in the brand new Innovus office and thoroughly enjoyed the launch event, including the cake!”

The new office in Torquay shows Innovus’ commitment to making a collaborative and inspiring work environment for its employees. This expansion allows the company to continue its growth trajectory while fostering a strong company culture.


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