The Vital Role of Supply Chain Accreditation Systems

30 October 2023 | Written by Beverley Kloos

Innovus Insights

The efficiency and reliability of the supply chain are crucial for the success of any business. To achieve this, having a supply chain accreditation system in place is of paramount importance.

At Innovus, we follow a four stage Gateway approach to ensure all suppliers and contractors that work with us are compliant with all statutory requirements and adhere to Health and Safety guidelines.

Our approach includes checking if the supplier or contractor is SafeContractor accredited (or hold an equivalent Safey Scheme in Procurement SSIP accreditation), and that they have the relevant trade accreditations.

Business Benefits

Quality Assurance – Accreditation serves as a quality benchmark. It ensures that the procured products and services meet the highest standards.
Regulatory Compliance – Many industries are subject to strict regulatory requirements. An accredited supply chain ensures that your business complies with these regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues or fines.
Reputation Enhancement – An efficient accreditation system will enhance your business’s reputation. It demonstrates that you prioritise quality, reliability, and ethical sourcing, which will build trust with your customers and investors.
Financial Security – Our financial checks will ensure your business is protected by only using a financially secure supply chain.

A procurement supply chain accreditation system is not just a certification; it is a strategic investment that pays off in various ways.

It not only safeguards the integrity of your supply chain, but also contributes to improved efficiency, reduced risks, and increased trust from customers and partners.


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